SuperNZB – Import Window

To open SuperNZB’s Import window, click the “Import” button on the Queue window.

Use the Import File button to import an NZB file, or use the Import Folder button to import an entire folder of NZB files. You can also drag-and-drop files and folders to these two buttons from your desktop.

When you have one or more NZB files in the list, click the Start button to load them. As each file is loaded, it will be selected in the list, and the lower bar will show its progress. The upper bar will show the overall progress. When done, the window will close, and you will see the files in the Queue list.

The Import window will read each NZB file, and parse it into the files that you see on the Queue window. For large files, such as a 30gb high-definition movie, this can take a couple of minutes depending on how fast your computer is. NZB files almost always contain a list of several files, so the list on the Queue window will always be larger than the list on the Import window.