The Newsgroups List Window window can be opened by clicking the Select Group(s) button on the Newsgroups window.
Use the Download List button to download the list of newsgroups from your Usenet server, and then use the Search button to find appropriate groups. For example, type in “cat” and click Search to see a list of all the newsgroups with “cat” in their names. Keep in mind that many of these groups will not be active. Some will have been added by people as a joke, and some will be abandoned. The only way to tell is to look inside the group.
You can drag-and-drop a single newsgroup to the list on the Newsgroups window. Or you can select multiple newsgroups and drag them all at once.
From time-to-time, click the New Newsgroups tab, and use the Check for New Newsgroups button to see what groups have been added.