JpegJet – Newsgroup Settings

Location in JpegJet: Setup Menu -> Newsgroups Settings

When the “On” box is not checked, the newsgroup will not appear on the Downloader. Use this to temporarily stop using a newsgroup without having to delete it.

When the “Stop” box is checked, JpegJet will stop downloading when it reaches the end of the newsgroup. Otherwise, it will proceed to the next newsgroup in the list.

When the “Continuous Downloading” box is checked, JpegJet will cycle back to the first newsgroup in the list after it finishes the last one. If it goes through all the newsgroups without finding any new posts, it will pause for a minute before resuming. People are constantly posting to newsgroups, so there is no telling when new posts will arrive. This feature causes JpegJet to download new posts as soon as possible without constantly badgering your Usenet server.